Justification Toolkit
Looking for more reasons to attend World Congress 17?
-General Tips
Many travel budgets and training budgets have been slashed, and some employers are experiencing severe financial problems. Which means that regardless of the merits of attending ICISF World Congress 17, you’ll probably need to justify the expense. So here are some things you might want to consider:
-Expenses Worksheet
World Congress 17 expenses are affected by a number of factors. Before you can even begin to justify this, you need to calculate what those expenses are. To do so, use the following to develop a cost estimate for attending World Congress.
-Benefits Worksheet
Many benefits from World Congress 17 attendance are hard to quantify. Many believe that the top benefit is the networking value. Where else can you find so many contacts facing the same issues as your organization? Are there solutions you’re not aware of? Although networking is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of a World Congress 17 attendance, it is also the toughest for which to quantify any value.
-Letter to Supervisor
click here for a word document you can modify for your use
“No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.” - Author Unknown
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